
Showing posts from October, 2017

Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

Doubt is something that can kill dreams far more effectively than failure. When you doubt you start to believe that your dreams are impossible to achieve, and this state of mind is both negative and damaging. When you fail this may motivate you to try harder so that you succeed the next time you attempt to reach your dreams. If you doubt yourself and your abilities then the battle is already lost and your dreams will always be out of reach. Doubt can be like an invasive parasite, slowly eating away at your confidence and eroding your determination. Instead of doubting yourself look at all the impossible tasks that men and women have achieved over the years and use this as motivation to push yourself even further in order to achieve your dreams and reach your goals. When you feel doubt then you allow yourself to become sidetracked from your objectives. This can cause you to turn down the wrong path, or even to give up entirely. Failure can make you stronger because each time you try a

What Unforgiveness Does to Your Brain by charles stone

W e’ve all been deeply hurt in some way…a betrayal by a spouse, a behind-your-back criticism from a friend, hateful judgment from someone at church, a false accusation by a co-worker, unfair treatment by a boss or a parent. And the deeper the hurt, the harder it is and the longer it takes us to forgive. But sometimes we simply don’t forgive. We harbor a grudge. Resentment builds in our hearts. We nurse the offense. As a result, we remain prisoner to our pain and we harm our brain. When someone hurts us, it’s natural and normal to feel pain. God created our brains to help us survive when we feel threatened. It’s called the fight-flight-freeze response generated in our emotional centers, primarily mediated by two almond shaped clusters of brain cells called the amygdalae. When the amygdalae are activated, a series of bio-chemical processes begin. The adrenal glands that lie on top of our kidneys release the stress hormone cortisol into our bodies and the brain releases neurotran