
Showing posts from 2017

Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

Doubt is something that can kill dreams far more effectively than failure. When you doubt you start to believe that your dreams are impossible to achieve, and this state of mind is both negative and damaging. When you fail this may motivate you to try harder so that you succeed the next time you attempt to reach your dreams. If you doubt yourself and your abilities then the battle is already lost and your dreams will always be out of reach. Doubt can be like an invasive parasite, slowly eating away at your confidence and eroding your determination. Instead of doubting yourself look at all the impossible tasks that men and women have achieved over the years and use this as motivation to push yourself even further in order to achieve your dreams and reach your goals. When you feel doubt then you allow yourself to become sidetracked from your objectives. This can cause you to turn down the wrong path, or even to give up entirely. Failure can make you stronger because each time you try a

What Unforgiveness Does to Your Brain by charles stone

W e’ve all been deeply hurt in some way…a betrayal by a spouse, a behind-your-back criticism from a friend, hateful judgment from someone at church, a false accusation by a co-worker, unfair treatment by a boss or a parent. And the deeper the hurt, the harder it is and the longer it takes us to forgive. But sometimes we simply don’t forgive. We harbor a grudge. Resentment builds in our hearts. We nurse the offense. As a result, we remain prisoner to our pain and we harm our brain. When someone hurts us, it’s natural and normal to feel pain. God created our brains to help us survive when we feel threatened. It’s called the fight-flight-freeze response generated in our emotional centers, primarily mediated by two almond shaped clusters of brain cells called the amygdalae. When the amygdalae are activated, a series of bio-chemical processes begin. The adrenal glands that lie on top of our kidneys release the stress hormone cortisol into our bodies and the brain releases neurotran
This is one of the best set of advise l have ever read. 1. Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead; if you lose, you can guide. 2. People are not what they say but what they do; so judge them not from their words but from their actions. 3. When someone hurts you, don't feel bad because it's a law of nature that the tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets maximum number of stones. 4. Take whatever you can from your life because when life starts taking from you, it takes even your last breath. 5. In this world, people will always throw stones on the path of your success. It depends on what you make from them - a wall or a bridge. 6. Challenges make life interesting; overcoming them make life meaningful. 7. There is no joy in victory without running the risk of defeat. 8. A path without obstacles leads nowhere. 9. Past is a nice place to visit but certainly not a good place to stay. 10. You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the t
How to Grow in Your Faith: Live in Grace by Charles Crutcher One of the most challenging ways to grow in our faith is to learn how to forgive. I don’t say this lightly, for it’s been difficult for me also, but one cannot follow Jesus and expect not to be challenged in this eventually. Maybe you read the first two sentences and it brings up some bad memories for you? My friend, I do not know all that you have been through just like you don’t know all I have been through, but if I can say something to you that will only help you, it is this: forgiveness doesn’t free the one whom hurt you, but it sets you, the prisoner, free. If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.-Matthew 6:14-15 Jesus speaks of the only way God won’t forgive us: it’s when we hold out on others. Either through a painful tragedy, a significant wrong, a spouse who cheated on you, a person w
Ten Ways to Worship Without Music Building worship into your daily life by Tobin Perry             Worship is the process of surrendering your entire life into God's hands. Everything you do can—and should—be an act of worship. God designed us to worship Him with our whole lives, and there are actually spiritual habits that we can build into our lives that help us worship God more deeply? Here are ten habits than will build worship into your life on a daily basis. Worship through prayer. We often miss this important component of our prayer life. Think about the issues you usually pray about. How much of your prayer life is about you and how much of it is about God? Without a doubt God wants us to be able to share everything that is going on in our life. But he also wants us to get to know Him better. When we affirm who God is through our prayers, we put our prayer life in proper perspective. That's exactly how Jesus taught us to pray. Look at the Lord&

Life With God Is Easy And Light

Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. It always warms my heart to know that Jesus sees the cares we carry in our hearts. He knows the worries you have for your family and for the future. He feels the heaviness in your heart as you struggle with the sickness in your body. He says to you, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Jesus wants to give you rest. And He says that the way you receive rest is to be yoked with Him, for His yoke is easy and His burden is light. (Matthew 11:29–30) What does it mean to be yoked with Jesus? Imagine a pair of oxen yoked together. The younger ox sees what the lead ox does and follows. If the lead ox turns left, the younger ox turns left. If the lead ox stops, the younger ox stops. When the lead ox starts moving again, the younger ox follows. Likewise, Jesus wants us to follow His leading and flow with Him. It is not hard to

Speak Blessing Over Your Family

Psalm 5:12 For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield. What do you believe and say to your loved ones every day? For orthodox Jews, on Friday evenings in their homes, the father lays his hands on his children and pronounces God’s blessings over them. No wonder Jewish children grow up to be winners in the fight of life! They become some of the world’s greatest inventors, bankers, musicians and entertainers. Although a minority race, the Jews have produced the most number of Nobel Prize winners. I believe that it is because they bless their children in the same way the patriarchs of the Old Testament did. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob released God’s blessings upon their children by laying hands on them and speaking forth the blessings. (Genesis 27:27–29, 38–40; 48:14–16) In the New Testament, the apostles pronounced blessings over the churches they were preaching to. To the church in Philippi, Paul declare

Health Benefits Of Drinking Warm Lemon Water

Lemons are vitamin C rich citrus fruits that enhance your beauty, by rejuvenating skin from within bringing a glow to your face. One of the major health benefits of drinking warm lemon water is that it paves the way for losing weight faster, thus acting as a great weight loss remedy.  Lemon Water Flushes Out Toxins And Is Extremely Beneficial For The Body Warm lemon water serves as the perfect ‘good morning drink’, as it aids the digestive system and makes the process of eliminating the waste products from the body easier. It prevents the problem of constipation and diarrhea, by ensuring smooth bowel functions. Nutritional Value Of Lemons A glass of lemon juice contains less than 25 calories. It is a rich source of nutrients like calcium, potassium, vitamin C and pectin fibre. It also has medicinal values and antibacterial properties. It also contains traces of iron and vitamin A . Lemon, a fruit popular for its therapeutic properties, helps maintain your immune system and t
Don’t Be Judgment-Focused        2 Corinthians 5:19 …God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them…                                                                                 On which two ancient cities did God rain brimstone and fire? If your answer is Sodom and Gomorrah, you are right. But if you think that God was all eager to destroy the two cities, you are wrong! God wasn’t willing at all. He was not on a sin hunt. He was on a righteousness hunt so that He could spare the cities. (Genesis 18:23–32) And I believe that if Abraham had asked God, “What if You can find just one righteous man?” God’s answer would have been the same: “I will not destroy the place for the sake of one righteous man.” Today, the righteousness of one Man—Jesus—has come. Jesus died for our sins and rose again for our justification. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, not counting our sins agai

welcome to the glorious month of August.

PRAYER POINTS FOR AUGUST 2017 welcome to the glorious month of August;  August is the eighth month of the year, in the Gregorian calendar, and August means the ‘Month of Augustus’. Augustus Caesar clarified and completed the calendar reform of Julius Caesar. In the process, he also renamed this month after himself. This month was originally named Sextilis in Latin, because it was the sixth month in the original ten-month Roman calendar under Romulus in 753 BC, when March was the first month of the year. About 700 BC, it became the eighth month, when January and February were added to the year. Six is the number of man, and eight is the number known for a new beginning. Sextilis is a Latin word for six, sex, and Augustus, meaning "venerable" or "revered". We want to possess and rededicate the month of August to the Lord, as the month of victory and honor.   PRAYER POINTS 1. Father, we thank You for Your faithfulness towards us and our family, in August 2016
SATAN’S MEETING: Read even if you’re busy Satan called a worldwide convention of demons In his opening address he said, ‘We can’t keep Christians from going to church.”We can’t keep them from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth.”We can’t even keep them from forming an intimate relationship with their saviour.’ ‘Once they gain that connection with Jesus, our power over them is broken. "So let them go to their churches; let them have their covered dish dinners, BUT steal their time, so they don’t have time to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ..’ ‘This is what I want you to do,’ said the devil: 'Distract them from gaining hold of their Saviour and maintaining that vital connection throughout their day!’ ‘How shall we do this?’ his demons shouted. 'Keep them busy in the non-essentials of life and invent innumerable schemes to occupy their minds,’ he answered 'Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, and borrow, borrow, borrow.’ ‘Persuade the wives to go to

love breaks

In your workplace, you probably take coffee breaks, lunch breaks, tea breaks and definitely toilet breaks. Why not do the same in your spiritual life—take time out for breaks, especially love breaks? What is a love break? It is the time you take to enjoy and feed on the love of Jesus for you. At any time during the day, wherever you are, find a quiet spot and feed on the love of Jesus. Just sit down and talk to Him. Say to Him, “Thank You, Jesus, for loving me. Nothing is going to happen to me that You don’t already know about. Jesus, when I could not save myself, You died for me. You gave up Your life for me. What else will You not do for me!” Such love breaks are typified in the Old Testament by Aaron the high priest and his sons eating the breast of the animal sacrificed. (Leviticus 7:31) The breast of the animal speaks of the love of Jesus. Today, you are a priest to God. (Revelation 1:6) So spend time feeding on the love of Jesus for you, and see yourself nourished, strength
How Benson Idahosa Blessed & Prophesied To Young Aliko Dangote – The T.L Osborn Connection!! The name Aliko Dangote needs no introduction in any circles. The wealthiest man in the black race as at today and consistently so for a few years. This excerpt from the book “ The African Apostles ” authored by Leke Beecroft tells a true story you’ve probably never heard. This is a validation of scriptures. Born on April 10, 1957 in the then Northern Region (Kano State) Aliko Dangote was born to Mohammed Dangote and Mariya Sanusi Dantata. An ethnic Hausa from Kano State, he showed his love for business by selling sweets even in primary school. As a teenager, he began to work for his uncle, Sani Dangote and it was said of him that he served diligently. Sometime in 1977 and after his 20th birthday, he approached his uncle and master and told him about his plan to establish a business outfit which would trade in cement, sugar, rice, pasta, salt, cotton, millet, vegetable oil
Satan Cannot Come Before God To Accuse You      Romans 8:33 Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies The book of Job tells us that Satan came to God’s throne and complained about Job. (Job 1:6–12) God’s throne is the most holy place. So why did God allow Satan to come before Him? Satan could come before God because Adam had given up his place when he bowed his knee to Satan in the garden of Eden. (Genesis 3) So Satan had the right to take Adam’s place and come before God. But praise God, Jesus, the last Adam, has come! And the sprinkling of His blood has cleansed the things of heaven. (Hebrews 9:22–24) His blood has cleansed and redeemed the unclean place where Satan walked and stood before God. There remains, therefore, no place in heaven for Satan. He cannot come before God any more to accuse you. Who then, is in God’s presence today? Jesus! He is there for us. (Hebrews 9:24) And since He is for us, “Who is he who condemns? I