
Showing posts from February, 2021


TOPIC  : HEALING FOR THE DEPRESSED TEXT: DEUTERONOMY 31:8 "The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged". Depression can be expressed in various ways depending on the trigger. Depression could be a feeling of hopelessness, frustration, anxiety, loss of interest, tiredness/loss of energy. In our generation there are so many factors that can lead to depression like drug abuse, traumatic events, low self esteem etc. It is important to realize that Jesus Christ is the cure for depression. He knows that situation/circumstances would arise that would make us afraid or discouraged, that is why He says " I will go before you and will be with you, I will never forsake you." The love that Jesus Christ has for us can not be quantified. The knowledge and power of this love should make us hopeful without despair or discouragement. when we come to the understanding that Jesus Christ should


 TOPIC; Be decisive TEXT; 1 Corinthians 10:21 [Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils. Ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table and the devils table.] you cannot serve 2 masters. A wise man once said 'you cannot eat your cake and have it'. The bible says  in Revelation 3:16 that if you are lukewarm neither cold nor hot our heavenly father would spit you out of His mouth. In our generation we see sin as a normal way of life. sexual relationship with unmarried people is  encouraged, the increase in sexual molestation, unwanted pregnancy, abortion, violence and murder is on the rise. People commit fraud and they are accepted and recognized as great men in the society. These action are motivated by the enemy, who seeks to take our attention from our creator. We should desire to live for Christ. The Bible says that we are the light of the earth. our lives should be for God's glory, so others can emulate us.  It seems almost impossible to live as a discip


 TOPIC; ETERNITY IS REAL  TEXT; HEBREWS 9:27-28 Eternity is forever and ever. Do you sometimes wonder, what happens after death. The bible says in Hebrews 9:27 that it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this judgement. There are two options in judgement, heaven and hell. The life we live on earth determines our final destination. Are u living for self or for Christ? The reflection of our life affects our destiny. You cannot serve two masters, make up your mind on who you will serve. As Joshua said "AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE WE WILL SERVE THE LORD" Imagine been in a place where there is no sickness, depression or anxiety. A place that has street made of gold with beautiful mansions. A place that doesn't need the sun because the glory of God overflows. Indeed is a place worth living for eternity. Our lives should be examined, if we are living for Christ or for the cares of the world. Lets not be carried away by what the world can give. Our focus should be on Jesus Ch


 TOPIC; FRET NOT THYSELF TEXT; Psalm 37;1-40 Do not be mesmerized by the wealth of people especially ill gotten wealth. In our society the craze for wealth is unimaginable. No body cares about the source of wealth, this has given rise to a lot of vices such as ritual killing, arm robbery, gambling and frauds. These people are well respected in the society, given chieftaincy titles and recognition. It may seem they are making progress, but the end justifies. The bible says that there is a way that seems right but the end is destruction. The Lord will uphold the righteous and whatever he does shall prosper, he shall be like a tree planted by the river side, which brings out fruit in dew season and whatever he does shall proper and his seed shall be blessed. Your seed been blessed is the definition of prosperity. Our actions are like seeds been planted, when the seed germinates you reap what you have sown. So I declare today; I will not fret myself over the prosperity of the wicked. I wil


 TOPIC; God is Love Text; 1Corinthians 13:4-5 love is patient, love is kind, it does not dishonor others, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. To walk in love, these characteristics are essential. It is mandatory to examine our lives at every given time to make sure we are working in genuine love. While observing the happenings in our environment and society, it seems quite impossible to walk in Love. but with the help of the Holy spirit we can abide in love. Jesus Christ is the definition of love. He paid the ultimate price. Greater love has no man than to lay down his life for a friend. Any time we question our ability to love, let us look at the life of Jesus, then our faith in love would be renewed. stay blessed.


Topic; The Rewards of Integrity. Text; Genesis 39;1-21 In a Society that encourages corruption, integrity is a rare phenomena. The story of Joseph signifies a a man of integrity. He was faced with diverse temptation but he overcame them. when he was tempted by Potiphar wife, a lot of person's would have succumbed based on the rewards they will get. But Joseph refused and was wrongly sentenced to prison but that did not stop Joseph from been a man of integrity. Even in the prison, he was still promoted. At the end of the trials, he became the second in command to pharaoh. Joseph was stripped of his coat but not his character. He was stripped of his accomplishment but not his attitude. There are so many lessons to learn from the life of Joseph. a] Flee from temptation. b] No matter the situation be a man of integrity. c] Do not be carried away by the cares of the world. it would alter your focus. d] Keep your dreams alife, never forget who you are and what God has called you to do an

The Lion's den.

 Topic; The Lion's den Text; Daniel 6;1-28 The lion's den is a place of battle, trials and temptation. To breakout you need to be spiritually minded. The Bible says this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes because an excellent spirit was on him. A plot was set against him to prevent him from praying. The decree of the king did not stop Daniel from praying. He was thrown into the lion's den but the mouth of the lion's were shut by the Angels of the Lord. If you are spiritually minded by seeking the face and presence of God consistently, you will definitely come out better and stronger from any challenge, trials or temptations that you are experiencing Just the way the men who plot against Daniel were eaten up by the lion's, so your enemies would enter the pit they have dugged. Always remember to be spiritually minded is life but to be carnally minded is death.

Topic; The revealer of secrets

  Topic; The revealer of secrets    Text; Daniel 2;3-49   To prosper and excel in life, there are secrets. Though I believe that whatever the mind believes it can achieve. But there is a certain level of success you will attain that would need supernatural intervention. Either through Godly or demonic encounters.   In the book of Daniel. king Nebuchadnezzar had a dream. he wanted to know the happenings and the interpretation of the dream. Even the Chaldean's that were said to be wise could not proffer solution. they answered "let the king tell his servants the dream and we know the interpretation of it" but the king refused. He assumed that the dream would be misinterpreted. He wanted the happenings in the dream as well as the interpretation to be made known to him. And the decree went forth that the wise men should be slain, then Daniel was sought after.   Daniel went to his house and made it known to his companions. they prayed to God fervently and the secret was reveal