TOPIC : Rejoice in the Lord

TEXT: Psalm 100

The bible says David was a man after God's heart. When you study the life of David , he was always rejoicing and excited in the presence of God. David loved God so much, he was willing to lay down his guard to praise God. As a Christian we must learn to always rejoice in the lord, just as David did.

sometimes we are consumed by the situations and circumstances in our lives. Our focus should be on Jesus and His finished work on the cross of Calvary. Of course we spend time to pray and study God's word. Have you thought about just rejoicing and delighting in the presence of God?

Rejoicing in the spiritual realm is a big weapon. It destabilizes the enemy. Do you wonder how the walls of Jericho fell down? The children of the Lord were rejoicing and praising the Lord. They did not use physical weapon to tear down the wall. They used a spiritual weapon called "rejoicing in the Lord".



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